
The Cobalt Drills’ Cutting Advantage on Metal Projects

28 February 2024

cobalt drills

Elevate metalworking precision with cobalt drills from Newlands Fasteners. Uncover their cutting advantage to boost efficiency. Call us at (03) 9354 1461.

In metalworking, using the right tools is significant to ensure precision in its key operations. One of the tools metalworking companies and others can maximise is the cobalt drills.

Cobalt drills are a cutting-edge solution that has become synonymous with durability and efficiency in metal projects. They are generally crafted from high-speed steel or HSS with a significant cobalt infusion into the alloy. This infusion enhances the properties of the drill, resulting in a tool that can tackle the challenges posed by drilling into tough materials. If you intend to maximise and invest in cobalt drills for your metal projects, here are some advantages you can get from them.

Exceptional Hardness

The exceptional hardness of cobalt drills changes the game in metalworking. The cobalt alloy enables these drills to withstand higher temperatures encountered during drilling, especially when dealing with metals like stainless steel or hardened steel. Its heat resistance ensures that the drill maintains its cutting edge, reducing wear and extending its operational life.

Reduced Friction

Beyond hardness, the cobalt composition in these drills contributes to reduced friction during the drilling process. Lower friction translates to less heat generated during operation, benefiting both the longevity of the drill bit and the integrity of the workpiece. The reduced friction of cobalt drills results in a smoother drilling experience with minimal wear and tear on the tool.

Assured Precision

Metal projects can only become successful if the tools can generate precise output. Cobalt drills deliver unparalleled precision due to their sharp cutting edges. Maintaining this sharpness over time is a distinctive feature, contributing to the creation of accurate and clean holes in various metal surfaces. Their precision is invaluable in industries where exact measurements are non-negotiable.

Great Cost Savings

Investing in quality tools is a strategic decision for you and other professionals. Cobalt drills, with their durability and resistance to wear, offer a longer lifespan compared to standard drill bits. While the initial cost might be marginally higher, the extended durability makes them a cost-efficient choice over time, reducing the frequency of replacements and contributing to overall project efficiency.

Versatile Applications

Metalworkers like you encounter a spectrum of materials, each with its unique challenges. Cobalt drills shine in their versatility, proving effective across a wide range of metals. From aluminium and copper to the more demanding hardened steel and alloys, these drills adapt effortlessly. The versatility of cobalt drills not only simplifies the tool selection process but also provides a cost-effective solution for professionals in diverse metalworking fields.

To harness the full potential of cobalt drills, adhering to best practices is essential. It includes maintaining the appropriate drill speed, ensuring proper lubrication of the cutting area, and guaranteeing precise alignment. Following these guidelines not only enhances the drill’s performance but also ensures a consistent and efficient metalworking process.

From creating intricate components in aerospace engineering to fabricating robust structures in construction, you must trust in the cutting advantage that cobalt drills bring to their work. Contact us at Newlands Fasteners today to gain access to quality cobalt drills.

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